A category for all materials under MLM
- Animal Cabinet
Animal Cabinet
- ₵320.00
- A cabinet for storing animal puzzles
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- Brown Stairs, MLM
Brown Stairs
- ₵145.00
- Demonstrating the change in width (breadth) while the length remains the same. The material indirectly prepares the child for concepts in plane geometry, area and volume
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- Color Box 1
Color Box 1
- ₵62.00
- Introduction of the primary colors and refinement of the chromatic sense
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- Color Box 2
Color Box 2
- ₵140.00
- Introduction of secondary and tertiary colors as well as the names of colours
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- Color Box 3
Color Box 3
- ₵374.00
- Introduction of the final stage in color discrimination of nine colors in seven graded shades
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- Cut Out and Counters
Cut out no. & Counters
- ₵88.00
- Application of skills In associating quantity and symbol by identifying and placing the numerals in their proper sequence and then associating the corresponding quantity of counters beneath them
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- Double Sandpaper Letters
Double Sandpaper Letters
- ₵133.00
- Guidance of the hand for writing by tracing the letter shapes in the style and direction in which they are written
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- Dressing Frame Stand
Dressing Frame Stand 12
- ₵554.00
- Development of coordination, ability to concentrate and skills of independence
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- Geometric Cabinet, MLM
Geometric Cabinet
- ₵470.00
- Introduction to plane geometric shapes in isolation
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- Knobbed Cylinder
Knobbed Cylinder
- ₵563.00
- Introduction of the first stage of physical discrimination of size
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- Land and Water forms
Land and Water forms
- ₵266.00
- Illustration of the different land and water form shades. They can be used for the abstraction and naming of the land and water forms
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- Large Moveable Letters
Large Moveable Letters
- ₵428.00
- After having learned the letter writing and sounds by means of the sandpaper letters the moveable letters can be used for composing words.
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- Number Rod with Stand
Number Rod with Stand
- ₵192.00
- Introduction of quantity 1 – 10 and their corresponding number names. Development of concept of sequence of number, combinations of ten and basic arithmetic
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- Pink Tower
Pink Tower
- ₵138.00
- Development of physical discrimination of size in three dimensions. Exploration prepares the child for mathematical concepts in the decimal system, geometry and volume
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- Red Rod with Stand
Red Rod with Stand
- ₵141.00
- Development of physical discrimination of length while height, color and width remain the same
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- Sequin Board
Sequin Board
- ₵214.00
- Teaches the number names, symbols and sequence from 10 - 99[1]
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- Sorting Tray
Sorting Tray
- ₵97.00
- Practice of fine motor skills, color discrimination and sorting
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- Sound Boxes
Sound Boxes
- ₵213.00
- Development of auditory discrimination through exercises in pairing and grading a series of sounds
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- Spindle Box
Spindle Box
- ₵214.00
- Clarifies the idea that symbols represent a certain quantity of separate objects
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- Wall Insert Frame Stand
Wall Insert Frame Stand
- ₵444.00
- Wall frame stand for metal geometric inserts
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